You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
My family needs financial help, Miracle, prosperity, protection and blessings
I need peace . I can’t control my anxiety and I need my health to be better to keep alive and strong . I have a 7 year old and i feel that I can’t handle a difficult situation in going through right now . I need peace .
Hello… I would like to ask for prayers for my daughter Anya Young she is 13 years old and is a very bright beautiful young lady. This past weekend we had a disagreement as you all know at that age teeenagers think they know everything but in this case the actions that took place were not normal. Anya grabbed scissors cut her hair and than slashed her lips I asked why did she do that and her answer was “MOM, BECAUSE EVERYTHING I SAY HURTS PEOPLE” I am currently seeking therapy but I also need prayers. I have all sorts of emotions and I’m afraid she might try to kill or hurt herself. We do attend Potential church and my fiance and I just got baptized on Easter Sunday on the beach, I feel that the enemy is trying to attack my family in some sort of way or another. I would highly appreciate your prayers for us especially our amazing daughter Anya.
Thank you kindly,
Please pray for my boyfriend/best friend who suffers from mental illness. Pray that God continues to show him the direction out of the dark into the light, helps transform him into the man that God has destined him to be. That he continues to become mentally, spiritually, and physically stronger every day. For God to save him and show him the beautiful life that he has for him and his purpose. Also, for his dad to be saved by God and to help get him through this tough season in his life. For him to start attending Potential church this Easter weekend.
Please pray for my upcoming appointments for my new cervical cancer diagnosis. I have a PET scan on 4/8 and extensive physical exam with oncologist on 4/12. I pray that there may not be any cancer and if there is that it is very small and the cancer did not spread. Overall, I pray the cancer is not invasive if it is even present. I pray for peace and take worry away from me. I pray for a correct diagnosis and fast healing and keeping the option to have more children. I just had a baby 3 months ago and I pray for his well-being and that he is not affected by all of this. I pray for all my family and friends with how this news effects their lives, especially my husband. Give us both the strength to overcome this life obstacle.
My dear Potential Church Family,
My son needs your prayers. He’s 23, brilliant, talented, plays his sax with heart & soul, received a partial music scholarship at an out-of-state University 2.5yrs. ago. He left for college full of hopes & dreams, excited to study music, study psychology, and fulfil his dream of using music as therapy to heal others’ pain. That dream within a year was crushed by drug use. He never tried drugs in high school, never gave me a hard time about anything, was a marching band captain for 3 yrs. and graduated high school with honors. What started out as just harmless marijuana (according to him) at a party in college, progressed to other drugs. First year in college he took 19 credits and held a 3.9 GPA. His second year, his GPA plummeted to 1.4.
I brought him home & tried everything I could as a single mother to get him to commit to a drug-rehab program. His father offered no support because he feels that our son can just give this up on his own will. My son actually carries many hurts due to his father’s lack of support about a lot of things in his life, including his desire to study music. My son attended a 6 week IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program) which I paid for by working two jobs. He did so well that he was allowed to stay for an additional 6weeks at no additional cost. He even began mentoring new members. However, around the 9th week, things started going downhill again. He went to a coworkers party, and that one night of marijuana smoking unraveled his sobriety. My son told me it was like a switch that was turned on and he could not stop. That was a little over a year ago. End of November of this past year (2020), he himself agreed to go into an in-house mental illness & drug rehab facility. I could not afford to pay the enormous fee, but God heard my prayers and the facility agreed to accept only my son’s insurance as payment. My son & I cried together for this blessing. He promised he will do everything he needs to do to get better. He received intensive group therapy every day, 2x day. Private therapy once a week. After 30 days the insurance was not willing to approve further treatment because his main drug of choice was marijuana, and the insurance company says that it is not an addictive substance and 30 days of treatment was enough time. The rehab facility felt that it was too soon for him to leave, and felt that a 90 day program would be better for him. I am not able to pay out of pocket, and his father refuses to help.
He came home on Monday of this week. On Tuesday, he played his sax for the first time in over a year. It was a beautiful sound to hear. On Wednesday, he started an online IOP that is held 3x week with the same rehab group, which his insurance company did approve, but I still don’t know for how long. By Saturday, he started vaping marijuana again. Because of his diagnosis, he is now on 3 different medications for depression, anxiety, and bipolar 2 disorder. The side effects of combining any drug, including CBD oil, with his bipolar medication is horrific. I already had a glimpse of the side effect and how it affected him. I worry about him dying from an overdose. Please, please, pray for him to gain strength and get back on track to sobriety. I am lost. I don’t know what else to do. I see him trying, but I also see him struggling. He has my support, and support of his sister, and friends and family. I feel like he needs a supportive village to gather around him to give him strength as well. Covid however, is making that difficult. I desperately ask for your prayers, for God to give him strength to get through this. I also ask for your forgiveness in posting this long, long, request. I guess I just needed to get this out, for you to hear this mother’s cries, so you have a full understanding of the situation. Thank you so much for your prayers. God Bless.
Potential, if you have a support group that deals with addictions, please let me know. I feel that my son will do better surrounded by those that have been there and who overcame their addiction with God’s help.
Please I ask everyone in this congregation to please join me in prayer for Alyiasia Theresa Pastora. She is one of my very best friend’s cousin’s son’s girlfriend. She’s a baby. Has not even yet begun living life. Please I know God is ALL POWERFUL and miracles happen every day. I cannot believe this is her calling.
Alyiasia Pastora turned 15 years old on October 24, 2020. Due to the worlds current state we had a small gathering and not the Normal quinceñera. Two days after reaching her 15th milestone she was involved in a horrific ATV accident that has changed so many people’s lives. Alyiasia is currently on life support, after going through open brain surgery she is holding on to her life and we our trying to keep our hope alive. Her parents have been by her side everyday, and continue to ask everyone to help with prayers because we know God is the only one to grant miracles .
I’m requesting prayer for my Siberian Husky, Ares. He’s 6 years old and he’s a healthy dog. His health started to have a rapid decline on Tuesday. The vet recommended we go to a neurologist to ensure this isn’t a neurological problem. They ruled out it was nothing neurological. They took blood and noticed his albumin was low, therefore she wanted to take a urine sample. To take urine from his bladder, she did an ultrasound and found a mass in his liver. I know that this is a demon attaching itself to his body in the form of a mass attempting to invade and oppress his body and attempting to rob us of our peace. Just like in the scriptures, my dog is my cattle. I am a strong woman of prayer, and I know that the power of prayer is real.
Please pray for my sister who is battling depression/anxiety…she’s been going through this for a long time, but things took a turn for the worst in 2018 where she quit her job, and lost her apartment due to her depression.
She is not herself to this day and we are just praying the lord heals…
Please pray for my 14 year old daughter that suffers from depression and suicidal thoughts. Please pray that she will get pass these tough times and realize that her life is worth living.
Please pray for me for my health. I’ve had a series of small health issues that seems to be escalating or happening all at once lately. This has added a lot stress during these already unprecedented times, which further breaks down not only my body but also my mind. Please pray for the removal of all diseases mental and physical. I believe in the power of prayer and that it will be done.
Pray for my 16 year old son and myself as we both tested positive for Covid-19 and that we recover from this soon.
Please also pray so that no one else in my immediate family is exposed.
Please Pray for my cousin Eric his wife and 2 children. They had a fire at their house overnight and lost their 2 year old daughter Hazel. Jana(his wife), Owen (6), and Lily(1) are in critical condition due to smoke inhalation. Please pray for them.
family,finances,my health and this great country and the leaders!!!!
Please pray for the health and protection of all affected by the Oregon fires. Those who’ve lost homes, had to be evacuated, those affected by heavy smoke and need to stay indoors. Keep safe all the heroic firefighters, and volunteers cooking and contributing to helping those displaced.
Thank you!
We were active members back when Potential was called Flamingo Road. It was sad to leave after establishing a consistent focus & church family. Now, after 17 years in Baton Rouge, my wife and I have an opportunity to return to South Fla. & have a contract on a house. Please pray with me and my family that God may bless us and this be his will…
In the Name of Jesus,
Please pray diligently for healing for my mothers Lucias lungs. She is now suffering from hypoxia and we critically need to get her blood oxygen up from critical.
Please pray hars for my mother Lucia. She is in critical condition due to the after effects of Covid. Pray for healing and progress and no regression. That her body would heal. Thank you
Please pray for my fiancé, Sheila, she is battling cancer and recently finished her 2nd round of treatment. The doctors are going to tell us the results of the treatment very soon. Please pray that she’d be healed from cancer!! Amen
Please..I need God’s divine intervention in my marriage . My husband and I have been trying and struggling to make this work. We have been together for 13 years. We are at the point of talking about divorce. I love my husband and I pray for Gods will to be done. I am ready to accept any direction God sends us. Please help me pray for his divine intervention and for us to see his plan for us. In the name of ‘Jesus’ . Thank you
I need more prayer for my mom for recovery with no regression. She is in a sensitive state. Our family cant take much more. Please guys and thank you
Hi, Need prayer for my mom.. She is in dire health with he lungs due to COVID. I need a miracle. Please also pray that I have the faith like the woman reaching to just touch Jesus and recieve healing. Thanks
Gabriel was my student in preschool. He is on a ventilator at Kendall Regional Medical Center. His older brother found him unresponsive and mom gave him CPR until the paramedics came. His older brother was gravely ill for years and recovered.
Please pray for my mental health. I have been really struggling with depression. Days feel longer and longer and I am really trying my best to seek God in this season but the enemy has really been getting to me. Please pray.
Please pray for my family. Someone in my immediate family is Covid positive and they have a infant. Pray for healing and that no one else got exposed to the virus and to keep the rest of my family members and our friends blessed and healthy
Please join with me in praying for a husband. I do not want to grow old alone. Thank you.
Please play for Christina, Gabe and their daughter Chloe, As they just tested positive for the Corona virus.
Christina is currently 6 months pregnant.
Please pray the unborn baby and for them all to fight this virus and come out healthy on the other end.. thank you..
My brother is lost, hurt and deep into drugs. We have made multiple attempts to help but unfortunately his battle is stronger than him. He is now homeless and on the streets. He has 3 children that need him. Please pray for him to wake up and change. My family hurts deeply but can only have faith and pray that things will work out.
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